Earth-Based Practices
Reconnecting to Nature
Indigenous cultures have their own practices of stillness, silences, self-reflection, healing, and visioning. The four-universal positions in mindfulness meditation - sitting, standing, walking, and lying down - are present in earth-based practices. The integration of these practices with the natural world is a paramount Indigenous approach to mindfulness. Directly working with nature mirrors the living beauty within one’s own nature. This cultivation of understanding self through a relationship with the natural world invokes memories that ignite curiosity and wonder.
Earth-Based Initiatives for Our Times
Intentional Ways of Being On Our Earth Walk with medicine elder & diviner mbali marais
How do we practice in these times? The real question is how do we not? Amidst the chaos and conflict of the individual and collective fires raging around us, there is an invitation is to find our primary call to creativity and tend to the deep self. When we realise we are not all there is, we awaken to the call to find our wholeness in the mystery and the greater earth story of who and why we are here.
In this five part elemental series, we explore earth based practices to guide us in this time. These practices are grounded in the 5 elemental cosmology of the Dagara tradition - fire, water, earth, mineral and nature - and cross-cultural ways of knowing. We will draw from the wisdom of intergenerational circles. We will look to the past in order to support us in the present to move forward and leave a legacy of earth stewardship for the next generations. We will return to the age old practices of radical ritual, contemplative practices, reflection, storytelling, ceremony and the arts.
Earth-Based Initiatives for Our Times
5-Part Elemental Series
9:00 - 11:30 AM PST
July 23, 2022
November 5, 2022
January 28, 2023
April 29, 2023
July 29, 2023
Teaching Team
Mbali Marais
Medicine Elder & Diviner
MA. Del Carmen Cortez (Carmela)
Assistant Facilitator
Paula Thomas
Assistant Facilitator
Danny T. Duong
Assistant Facilitator