Mentorship Program


"We live in a global economic system where more money means more power. It will take all of us, working together, to develop solutions that repair the harm caused by that system and begin to restore both people and the planet."  

- Nwamaka Agbo


The Climate Crisis is No Longer Avoidable

Braided Wisdom is committed to enhancing the lives of individuals ready to rise from the current policies that are destroying so much of our world. Our organization is determined to explore sustainable opportunities by reinvigorating old paradigms of restorative analysis in our communities in place of the current market analysis. This approach, which begins with essential self-discovery, can lead to a reclamation of cultural integrity and a deeper understanding of land and natural resources as they impact social welfare and development. This is especially concerning at a time where climate crisis is no longer avoidable and survival is threatened.


A Four-Part Series

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