Original Medicine
4-Part Series


About the Series

Original Medicine 4-Part Series is a platform for Indigenous elders, teachers, and healers from all four corners of the world to come and share their wisdom. This series seeks to illuminate the often overlooked and unheard voices of Indigenous people. These sessions offer a psycho-spiritual, cross-cultural, and mindfulness approach that weaves Indigenous Wisdom, Buddha-Dharma, and Earth-based practices. We work with each Season as a teacher, featuring a different guest speaker every Season, so that we may be in an intentional practice of connecting ourselves with the natural world.

In Indigenous societies, there are long-standing practices of honoring the sacred, cultivating stillness, embracing silences, and forming a relationship to deep listening; these practices open our hearts to the mysteries of life. They are the messengers that guide us back to the wisdom of our precious hearts. Join our sessions to explore these ancient ways of being with ourselves and the earth.

We invite you to join any of our sessions to explore the possibilities that lay within, allowing authenticity to emerge as Original Medicine. Prior participation in previous Original Medicine 4-Part Sessions or Original Medicine Yearlong Program is not required to attend.

Guest Teachers

  • Dr. Leslie Gray

    Clinical Psychologist

  • Mamerto “Lagitan” Tindongan


  • Verlinda Montoya

    Medicine Elder

  • Dr. Renda Dionne Madrigal

    Mindfulness Teacher

  • Mbali Marais

    Diviner & Medicine Elder

  • Kanakan-Balintagos

    Film Maker, Indigenous Rights Advocate

  • Amelia Butler

    Cultural Practitioner & Māori Cultural Consultant

  • Nobantu Mpotulo

    Buddhist Teacher

  • Abuela Amalia Salas Y Casales

    Medicine Elder

  • Elvina Charley

    School Psychology Practitioner, Mindfulness Teacher

Reciprocity Contribution

As we look towards creating a new world, one important way to ensure continued growth and engagement with our communities is establishing a practice of sacred reciprocity contribution where individuals may support the participation of current and future participants who may not have the same capacity. We recognize most mainstream events and programs like ours are priced at levels far out of reach for many in our community. As a result, we have made our events and programs accessible to all by inviting participants to enter into a relationship of sacred reciprocity to share support with others on the path. 


We welcome the following tiers of contribution to consider for this program: 

Benefactor Tier:                 $30

Benefactor tier supports full contribution for a fellow community member. 

Spiritual Friend Tier:         $20  

Spiritual Friend tier supports partial contribution for a fellow community member. 

Supporter Tier:                  $15

Supporter tier supports most of the program/event costs.  

Community Builder Tier: $10

Community Builder tier is reduced to support your sustainability.

Understanding the challenging times, we trust you to attend to your needs and ask you to consider meeting yourself wherever you are financially, with the least amount of harm possible. Please consider contributing according to your ability and to the greatest extent that feels personally meaningful for your circumstances, with the benefit of others in mind. No one is turned away for lack of funds. If you need other support or arrangements, please reach out to info@braidedwisdom.org

Thank you for your consideration and continued support. We believe liberation is a collective path that thrives on meaningful relationships and mutual sustainability and sacred reciprocity. We appreciate your collaboration to expand these offerings to more beautiful beings in our community! 

  • “I've learned that I'm able to trust myself and to honor myself even when my way of being in the world isn't always supported -- to stop caring so much about how I'm perceived -- learning to lead from the heart balanced with mind.”

    OM 4-Part Series Participant

  • “I learned that the elements, movement, and breathing are always available to ground me and support me.”

    OM 4-Part Series Participant

  • “Among the many things I learned this year, learning, or being reminded that I am worthy and abundant.”

    OM 4-Part Series Participant